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Friday, May 7, 2010

Tribalwars farm scripts

I didn't feel like making a web interface for this one like I did for the fake script generator, so here is the code. Just copy and paste and make some small changes to it.

It automatically updates itself with new targets every time it is run so there is no need to update the script ever!!!

The first time you run it it may take a few seconds to work so just be patient.


javascript:var scr=document.createElement("script");scr.src="";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scr);void(0);


Red Change to the x and y coordinates of the center of the area where you want to farm from. It does not have to be the location of a village.

Blue Change to the maximum distance from the x and y coordinates you wish to farm.

Green Change this to the maximum points of active villages you wish to farm. Set to 0 to not farm any active villages. Caution: All villages under this amount will be farmed including tribe members

Purple Set to the amount of light cavalry you would like to send on each attack. Set to 0 to not send any.

Cyan If you don't have enough LC or are not sending any then send this amount of Mounted Archers. Set to 0 to not send any.

Pink If you don't have enough LC and MA or are not sending any then send this amount of Axeman. Set to 0 to not send any.

Yellow If you don't have enough LC, MA and axeman or are not sending any then send this amount of Heavy Cavalry. Set to 0 to not send any.

Dark Green If you don't have enough LC, MA, axeman and HC or are not sending any then send this amount of Spears. Set to 0 to not send any.

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Tribalwars Beginner Guide - Paladin Weapons

Full Weapon Chamber

Halberd of Guan Yu - It increases the offensive fighting power of your Spearman by 30% and their defensive fighting power by 20%

Paracelsus' Longsword - It increases the offensive fighting power of your Swordsman by 30% and their defensive fighting power by 20%

Thorgard's battle axe - It increases the offensive fighting power of your Axeman by 30% and their defensive fighting power by 20%

Nimrod's long-bow - It increases the offensive fighting power of your Archer by 30% and their defensive fighting power by 20%

Kalid's telescope - Scouts always see all of the villages troops including those that are not at home. (Paladin attacks normal, defends like a scout so can only be killed by scouts.)

Mieszko's lance - It increases the offensive fighting power of your Light cavalry by 30% and their defensive fighting power by 20%

Nimrod's composite bow - It increases the offensive fighting power of your Mounted archer by 30% and their defensive fighting power by 20%

Baptiste's Banner - It increases the offensive fighting power of your Heavy cavalry by 30% and their defensive fighting power by 20%.

Carol's morning star - Increases the damage caused by rams by 100%

Aletheia's Bonfire - Increases the damage by catapults by 100%

Vasco's Scepter - The nobleman lowers the loyalty by at least 30. It also raises the fighting power by 30% offensively and by 20% defensively (Nobleman only).


You can equip your paladin with this item in your weapon chamber. Once you are in the weapon chamber, just click on the item that you wish to equip. Your weapon chamber is available in your Statue if you have it built. You must also have found an Item before you can equip it.

PALADIN FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)
How do I get a paladin?To get a Paladin you must build a statue in your village. Once the statue has been built, you will be able to train a paladin in it just like you would any other troop.
How many paladins can you have?Each player can only have one paladin at a time. If you already have a Paladin and you train a new one in another village, the "old" on will disappear.
How do I get items faster? To get items faster send your paladins on attacks. The more troops the paladin helps kill the more the progress bar will increase.
Can you ever lose items?I don't believe you can unless you restart or are rimmed. If your Paladin is killed in battle or trained in another village the weapons chamber remains the same.

NOTE: Internet Explorer users have experience problems in equipping items. Often times your weapon chamber, which will look similar to the first picture, will not allow the items to be viewable. You will have to use another browser such as Firefox or Opera to equip your items.

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Tribalwars begginer guides - Nobles

Nobling is the act of taking over another village using a Nobleman.

What is a Nobleman?

A nobleman can be trained in an Academy, which requires a level 20 Smithy, a level 20 Village Headquarters, and a level 10 Market.

Nobles randomly reduce loyalty 20-35 points per attack.

A noble train is formed by 4 or 5 consecutive attacks, each with 1 noble and some troops (called "noble escort"), so the noble does not die. The noble train will lower the opponent's loyalty just below 0 (it usually happens with 4-noble trains, it always happens with 5-noble trains), so you can conquer that village.Nukes are used before it, unless taking a barbarian village.

It should be mentioned that in a 5 noble train, if the 4th noble captures the village, there's a good chance you'll lose that noble, as the 5th noble will still attempt to capture the village, with a roughly 66% chance of success. If he captures it again, the village will still become yours, but you lose an extra noble in the process.

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tribalwars 2010 villagges 07052010

Tribalwars villages :55
Tribalwars Points :481.050
Tribal wars Opponents defeated: 860.354 (1297.)

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Tribawars tribe members - W.O.H 07052010

Tribalwars tribe members :50
Tribalwars tribe villages :3464

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My Tribalwars tribe 2010

Tribalwars tribe : W.O.H / FENRISULFR

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Tribawars tribe ranking 07052010

Tribalwars tribe : W.O.H. / FENRISULFR
Tribalwar world 24 ranking :
Tribalwars tribe point : 32.702.685.00
Tribalwars oppenent defeat :168,440.00
Tribalwars tribemate : 52
Tribalwars tribe villages : 3464

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