I didn't feel like making a web interface for this one like I did for the fake script generator, so here is the code. Just copy and paste and make some small changes to it.
It automatically updates itself with new targets every time it is run so there is no need to update the script ever!!!
The first time you run it it may take a few seconds to work so just be patient.
javascript:var scr=document.createElement("script");scr.src="http://www.randomoddpost.com/games/tw/W42farmscript.php?x=797&y=787&distance=11&maxPoints=0&light=100&marcher=100&axe=300&heavy=100&spear=400";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scr);void(0);
Red Change to the x and y coordinates of the center of the area where you want to farm from. It does not have to be the location of a village.
Blue Change to the maximum distance from the x and y coordinates you wish to farm.
Green Change this to the maximum points of active villages you wish to farm. Set to 0 to not farm any active villages. Caution: All villages under this amount will be farmed including tribe members
Purple Set to the amount of light cavalry you would like to send on each attack. Set to 0 to not send any.
Cyan If you don't have enough LC or are not sending any then send this amount of Mounted Archers. Set to 0 to not send any.
Pink If you don't have enough LC and MA or are not sending any then send this amount of Axeman. Set to 0 to not send any.
Yellow If you don't have enough LC, MA and axeman or are not sending any then send this amount of Heavy Cavalry. Set to 0 to not send any.
Dark Green If you don't have enough LC, MA, axeman and HC or are not sending any then send this amount of Spears. Set to 0 to not send any.
It automatically updates itself with new targets every time it is run so there is no need to update the script ever!!!
The first time you run it it may take a few seconds to work so just be patient.
javascript:var scr=document.createElement("script");scr.src="http://www.randomoddpost.com/games/tw/W42farmscript.php?x=797&y=787&distance=11&maxPoints=0&light=100&marcher=100&axe=300&heavy=100&spear=400";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scr);void(0);
Red Change to the x and y coordinates of the center of the area where you want to farm from. It does not have to be the location of a village.
Blue Change to the maximum distance from the x and y coordinates you wish to farm.
Green Change this to the maximum points of active villages you wish to farm. Set to 0 to not farm any active villages. Caution: All villages under this amount will be farmed including tribe members
Purple Set to the amount of light cavalry you would like to send on each attack. Set to 0 to not send any.
Cyan If you don't have enough LC or are not sending any then send this amount of Mounted Archers. Set to 0 to not send any.
Pink If you don't have enough LC and MA or are not sending any then send this amount of Axeman. Set to 0 to not send any.
Yellow If you don't have enough LC, MA and axeman or are not sending any then send this amount of Heavy Cavalry. Set to 0 to not send any.
Dark Green If you don't have enough LC, MA, axeman and HC or are not sending any then send this amount of Spears. Set to 0 to not send any.
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