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Friday, May 7, 2010

Tribalwars comeback for 2010 new account

I am sure I am old enough now to play with swords and axes without having somebodies eye out.. :-)

After a year im decided to make a tribalwars comeback........

Now with new tribalwars username, Lagend Myth im playing in world42 at continent 77... im joint a ranking number 3 tribe in the 42 world, W.O.H or FENRISULFR

and new personal text.... :

After you, another kingdom will rise from old kingdom, inferior to yours. Next,will rule over the whole map of tribal wars.

The greatest army the world has ever seen is being assembled. The army is being assembled on every continent of our world. It is an army greater than our world has ever seen, more powerful than any historical world, or present day army. They will be a mighty force for the Kingdom in these last days...........