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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tribal wars is a browser-based game

Tribalwars is a browser-based game set in the Middle Ages. Every player controls a small village, striving for power and glory.Tribalwars, often abbreviated TW, is a general news website that originally focused on the game Starsiege: Tribes, or Tribes, a team-based online multiplayer first person shooter, and its subsequent sequel and prequel.

TribalWars is a free online RPG game where you take control as the overlord of a village. Once you have built up an army, you can proceed to farm other players by pillaging resources, join a tribe and fight alongside fellow players.

Overall, tribalwars is a great game, give it a try. Unlike what every other review is saying, 5-10 minutes is not enough. Once this game grabs you, expect to be burning hours on it, especially once you get more than 50 - 100 villages to take care of... ;-)

Another point to note is that, although they do have Premium Points you can buy, the Premium Points don't enhance your gameplay, but make it easier to play, with quick-bars and sorting functions. It's pretty cheap, $5 a month and you can pay by SMS, Credit Card, Phone, etc.

Joint me for fanstastic tribalwars game..!!!!