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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My tribalwars middle histroy

Overall the basic concept of this tribalwars game is very easy to understand. It is very easy to catch on, but very hard to play as there are many people who are very, very good. Many people mention that you have to log on every day in a complaining tone, yes you do.

Its the way the tribalwars game is designed. It is aimed at hard-core gamers who like a challenge, and to be able to compete you must devote (waste) a lot of your time on the game.

im played this game for about 4 months at work as something to pass the time.Keep in mind "Troops is King" also that if you want to grow in a secure tribe, you are usually forced to be online at least every other day, or you will be conquered. Also, some actions in this game take a LONG time to take place in real time.

After a long journey my tribalwars villages growing to 113...!!!!!